Barsatein 28th August 2023 Written Full Episode by

Barsatein 28th August 2023 Written Update
In the upcoming episode of Barsati, you all will get to see that whenever Aradhana goes to do some investigation, something or the other happens to her. Gaya and the bullet hit him. Now in the upcoming track, a car owner wants to blow Aradhana up. Somewhere, Virender Khanna may also have a hand in this because he can do anything for money, although he is very rich and runs a very big company. But the secret behind being Murli is still a secret, no one knows but Aradhana will continue to find out the truth. As soon as Ana’s life is in danger, Reyansh will save her. After Reyansh saves her, Aradhana asks him Why have you come here where Reyansh tells Aradhana I love you a lot.
Aradhana investigating the mystery of the stolen idols
On one hand, Aradhana investigates the stolen idols from the temple and wanders near the temple and thinks in her mind about how the idols disappeared and who stole them Aradhana finds one of the stolen idols at Malini Khanna’s house The idol is visible, and too is kept at Malini Khanna’s personal place. Now Aradhana is about to ask the honorable whether you are also involved in the theft of the idols.
Aradhana’s Quest for Answers
Aradhana swears that she will find whoever stole the idol. She also interrogates Vina Aunty and others to find out about the idols and she finds out about the idol, what it looked like, and Why this theft did not come in the news, even here Nanti says that Viren Khanna is not concerned with news but only with money.
Aradhana’s doubt
Aradhana, you are in big trouble because who does not believe that her mother Malini Khanna will be involved in the theft Aradhana is very upset thinking where does Aradhana drive on the other hand Riyansh has also come in his car Aradhana Another car comes behind Riyash which causes her to crash and Aradhana realizes that someone is following her and trying to harm her but Riyansh saves Aradhana and she returns to Vikram and Sunaina. Speaks to the woman in the car she was trying to harm Aradhana
Upcoming Twist
In the upcoming episode, Aradhana’s troubles are going to increase further and she tells Riyansh about her feelings in a drunken state and asks him if he has come to take revenge, Riyansh says No, I want to apologize to you. Have come
When Aradhana talks about her heart to Priyanshi under the influence of alcohol, what will be the reaction of the audience here, will Aradhana forgive Riyansh, will their love continue in the story or will the story take a new twist this time? Comment what is your opinion, should Riyansh be forgiven by Aradhana