Kundali Bhagya 13 August 2023 written update by Tellybood.com : In the upcoming episode of Kundali Bhagya Preeta is angry with Nidhi and says I think you are behind the trap of my son, Your daughter spoils your plan, so you raise your hand on her. She is Rajveer’s sister. She will not let anything wrong happen to him. Nidhi gets shocked to hear this from Preeta. Srishti starts thinking sister what is she saying?

Kundali Bhagya 13 August 2023 written update
Preeta and Karna are going to meet soon, in the upcoming episode you will see where Preeta meets with an accident and during the same accident Karan is also present around Preeta but will Karan be able to find Preeta and Nidhi has got this accident done After which Preeta’s memory comes back, Preeta’s accident happens very fast, after which the reason is going to go to Preeta, along with which the biggest twist is going to come, here Preeta will start getting all the old memories and from her face and her mouth. Karan’s name will be heard completely, it will be wise enough to see whether Karan and Preeta will be united again.
Palki came to Lutra’s house
Abhishek brings Uncle Palki to the Luthra family. Abhishek tells Rakhi ji that I told her that grandmother needs a doctor who can take care of her day and night, so I have brought such a doctor for you, junior doctor Palki with me. Rakhi says I know sir she is also very close to us Kavya goes there Kavya hugs Palki Sanaya says I am too brother hug me too Sanaya says May also Palki Rakhi says, but you never told that you have a younger sister too. Palki says, Aunty, I never got a chance. Sanaya has just come back from the hospital after completing her studies. Doctor says come on. So it’s great that you guys know Palki very well, I tell you to hire her immediately, there is a relationship, there is love, there is friendship too. Great-grandmother will get well soon, says Rakhi, I am sure if Pal’s mother If she takes care of Ji, she will be completely cured. Doctor tells Nidhi to give all the files that Dadi has to Palki. Doctor leaves from there. Nidhi tells Girish to bring all the files from Dadi’s room and give them to Palki.
Kavya takes Palki to Dadi. Kareena Buya is happy to see Palki. Dadi says how are you here Palki, I mean, I loved seeing you but Kavya says here, Dadi, you know that Palki is a very good girl. Dr. Avinash had told that Dadi’s treatment would have to be done for 12 hours and he did not have that much time, so he sent Palki so that Palki could take good care of Dadi. She has come here and will stay here all the time and will take care of Dadi, Dadi says good doctor, you work with Avinash, okay then you will take care of me, Palki says Dadi, it was a surprise for me too that I am here. I didn’t even know I was coming, I came to know when I came out of the Luthra house.
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In the upcoming episode, Preeta will remember all the old memories related to Karan, after which she will be restless to meet Karan, she starts asking Srishti where is my Karan, where Srishti takes Preeta to the Lutara house.
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